The Lil' Legacy | Small Sized Cookbook
The Lil' Legacy | Small Sized Cookbook
Every family deserves an heirloom cookbook.
A family cookbook is an inheritance of love. At Andaaz, a bespoke family cookbook publishing service, we help you preserve your favourite, most precious recipes in a professionally-edited and designed cookbook.
Our editorial and design team will work with you closely to customise the book as per your requirements. Broadly, it will include:
Foreword & Family Note
10 Recipes
4-5 Photographs
Acknowledgements & End Notes
Total number of pages will be 24-28. In case there are any additional pages, the cost will vary.
Book Specifications:
Hardbound, 6.2”x7.2”
Uncoated glasso paper, which will last decades
Well structured recipe log pages to record upto 25 recipes
Pease note that the entire project from beginning to delivery usually takes 4 to 6 weeks depending on the promptness of your replies.